Jerico Bleu
Current Projects: SGT Protégé
Jerico is overjoyed to be apart of Shattered Globe’s Protégé Program. Originally from Tennessee, he moved to Chicago in 2009 to obtain his BA in Performance from Columbia College Chicago. Some of his theatre credits include Perfect Wedding (Towle Theatre), Porcelain (Prologue Theatre Company), Rudolph the Red Hosed Reindeer (Hell in a Handbag Productions), El Stories: New In Town (Waltzing Mechanics), Emma (Dead Writers Theatre Collective), and St. Paulie’s Delight (Chicago Dramatists). Jerico is an active dramaturg who has worked on various productions such as Guardians (Mary-Arrchie Theatre Co.) The Other Place (Profiles), Side Man (American Blues Theater), and The Rubenstein Kiss (Coriolis Theater). He is also the Development Coordinator and ensemble member for Mercy Street Theatre Company (