Determined and tenacious, the residents of Ipswich, UK mobilize to overcome the immense fear and media circus that unfolds following the serial murder of 5 sex workers in their small town. This experimental and innovative new musical is based on a true story, using verbatim dialogue recorded during interviews with the people of Ipswich. Brought to the American stage for the first time ever, London Road is an uplifting story that reveals how a devastating tragedy can spark empathy and engender community resilience.
London Road is an American Premiere.
April 22 – June 3, 2023, at Theater Wit
Safety Guidelines for SGT’s 2022-2023 Season
Our COVID Policy: Theater Wit has upgraded its HVAC systems to meet the stringent regulations of Actors Equity. The entire company of London Road is fully vaccinated. The bar is open at Theater Wit and drinks will be allowed in the theatre. While masks are not required in Theatre Wit’s the lobby, masks must be worn inside the theatre due to the close proximity of the audience and actors. Masks are mandatory for all patrons for the entire duration of the performance, except when actively drinking beverages.
Racism and white supremacy have no place in a just society. Shattered Globe condemns the violent insurrection and storming of the Capitol on Wednesday, January 6th in an attempt to discredit and dismantle the basic structures and procedures of democracy in the United States. We cannot be silent in the face of these horrific events. We are committed to raising our voices in opposition to hate in every way we can.
-SGT Ensemble and Board of Directors
Small Stage, Big Impact
Supporters & Funders
Shattered Globe Theatre is partially supported and funded by generous grants from The Bayless Family Foundation, The Shulman-Rochambeau Charitable Foundation, The James P. and Brenda S. Grusecki Family Foundation, Carol P. Eastin, a CityArts Grant from the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, the Paul M. Angell Family Foundation, The Shubert Foundation, The MacArthur Fund for Arts & Culture at The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation, Daniel Cyganowski, The Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation, the Illinois Arts Council, and The Saints.